Period for almost 2 weeks

Hi there. Probably it's something normal but I've started freaking out as I've always had regular periods that last for a max of 6 days. 
I was on Microgynon 30 until August last year. My period was fine still regular. Had my period on 25 December then on 1st February. I was about 2 weeks late, 2 negative pregnancy tests. Went to the GP and she suggested to start the pill again. So I started it on 17th March. I was totally fine until 27th March. I fainted out of the blue and my period suddenly came on 28th March (while I had 8 more days until the 1 week break). Funniest thing of all. Still bleeding. And no signs of stopping. Bright red blood. 3-4 pads changing per day and I'm bleeding even during the night (normally not that much)... Any ideas what's wrong? 
No help at all from GP, they just said to continue with the pill...