Is it possible?

Dawn • After 2 MMCs and 2 CPs in 2016, our 🌈👶🏼 is due 10.17.17.
My D&C was on March 21st at 10w 4d. Yesterday afternoon and today ice had ovulation pain. Could I be ovulating 17 days after my procedure? I've read that it's possible and would love for it to be true, but I kind of thought I'd be the one who's HCG levels stayed high forever. I know OPKs are probably not accurate this close to my miscarriage, but a pregnancy test last Sunday was barely positive. I had to stare and stare and finally agree there was a super faint line. Anyone have any experience with this? Trying not to get my hopes up, but we had sex twice this week so fingers crossed! 🙏🏻