Need urgent help please I'm so scared....

So im 16 and ive been with my boyfriend for 7 months. Im on the pill but a week ago i was on my "period" as it was my week off from the pill. I only bled for 4 days and on that 4th day while i was still bleeding i had sex, which then stopped me from bleeding the next day was my day to take the pill again but i took it late I usually take it at 8 but i think i took it at 9/10 but i also had sex that day also. Then i had sex the next day and the next which was Friday, but i became really ill on the Friday I had a sore throat with white spots all on my tonsils then on the Saturday i woke up still had the sore throat problem, my temp was up, head ache, ear ache, feeling like im going to be sick and my belly jus felt so weird like i was going to faint i also felt the bang same on Sunday. Ive also been aching all over and i just dont know what it is? My mum asked me if im pregnant so could there be a possibility im so scared because im not getting better at all. Ive also been eating less cus its been putting me off food, also been aching all over like.... I just need someone to help me i can not be pregnant im not ready.... I would take a test but i dont know when its best to take one?.... Please dont hate or make comments cus i can not be bothered for it at all! It's Monday now and i feel the bang same i had to come home from school cus i was going to faint. I also have like a feeling something is stuck im my throat which i can not get rid off! Also been peeing more frequently and (sorry if tmi) but ive had toilet troubles (poo more runny) pregnant or just really ill?? I thought it was strep throat untill my mum put stuff into my head. I keep adding stuff in hahaa i forget to include them😂 my wee has also been smelling bad as well lately because of this problem