I really want to go to college but my parents and nor can I afford it. I've tried looking for scholarships but I just lose hope every time I get a rejection letter with a direction to fill out more scholarship applications. I had pretty decent grades in high school. But I really want to go to school. I've tried filling out almost 20 or more applications for government jobs thinking I'd get money back for school but it's like every application I fill out I just get denied. That sucks. My confidence drops in trying to keep in high sports I've looked for other jobs but things aren't going the way I've planned it and it really hurts. I just want to get an education but I have to sit back and watch from afar.   😓😥😕😔😨😭😪😰
I really do appreciate all the encouragement and advice and I'm not going to keep up and keep looking for a job. And I've planned to go to community college. With Fafsa I'm not able to actually get it due to difficulties with my parents but I wanted to let you guys know I'm not going to give up.