Guidance needed

My husband and I have a 15 year old daughter. We have tried for MANY years to have another baby, unfortunately it wasn't until this past two years that we were able to conceive.  We have had 3 miscarriages in the past two years, the longest one, one my husband knew about was at 11 weeks. We were both devastated. I am currently 8 weeks and he doesn't want to tell anyone, doesn't want to go to the appointment with me. He does not want to be devastated by another loss. Unfortunately I don't see where it will make a difference no matter what this little miracle is here and thankfully appears to be a normal and will hopefully make it 9 months. I guess how do I help him?  It hurts to not get excited, or even willing to discuss it. He said the last time he got excited and told family it nearly killed him and he can't go through it again. I have told my sisters and they are supportive. I just don't know how to help him, I wish he could enjoy this time rather than be sad.