26 wreks amd depressed.

Its probably just my hormones but lately all ive felt is sad and depressed. I dont want to even go anywhere, talk to anyone, i just really want to be left alone.

My boyfriend doesnt spend hardly any time with me its always work, overtime and doing something on his car.

All i do is clean thr house, cook dinner (hes never here to eat a meal with me) clean up his mess and sleep.

Im so depressed, I just want to cry.

The only good thing about my life is my beautiful soon to be born daughter.

She is my strength and hope.

She is the only reason i dont give up.

I just wish i felt like i mattered. Like i am appreciated..

All i feel like is a machine.

Every time i try to talk to him about it he says its just my hormones..

Maybe it is, im not sure.

he doesnt realize we are going to have a baby soon.

He would rather spend 800 dollars on a junky car that doesnt run, than to buy stuff our daughter needs.

We have nothing for her except clothes that have been given to us.

We have no crib, no bottles, nothing.

I feel like a peice of shit mother.

I just want whats best for my baby, and maybe leaving this not ready at all "daddy" she will have, is the answer.

I dont even know anymore...