Late night(2am) cravings😂😂

So I woke up at 1am craving hamburger steaks I had left over from the night before. I tried fighting it off since that also didn't seem like a good idea to eat in the middle of the night. But by 2am I gave in and decided to warm the hamburgers on the stove (so that the microwave beeping wouldnt wake my husband) And wouldn't you know the dang smoke detector starts going off like crazy and wakes my husband! He walks in as I'm trying to take the battery out the smoke detector and asks what in the world I'm doing and the only response i can come up with at this point is "not burning anything!" Lmao!! He rolls his eyes and goes back to bed. I swear these cravings are gonna get me in so much trouble! 😂😂😂😂😂