Violent dreams!?!?!?!

I'm starting to get worried I have just woken up from my 6th violent dream?? And what I meant by violent is I'm like beating the shit out of people. First two dreams were my roommates ex and I used a baseball bat and I can't remember the two after that but then my 5th one was some random chick "flirting" with my SO.. And then the one from tonight there was like a wedding or something going on next door at my neighbors but I reality it's part of my family property, we live in the country but it was my great uncles side of the property. In my dream though it was just neighbors and the guests were leaving it was raining and people were getting in their cars and leaving and coming up our drive way being that we live in the the country you might not want to do that and I was in my car with someone and we were going down my one way driveway and these people were driving around I the grass and that's what blew my top off and they wouldn't stop I got out and started yelling and hollering and this one teenage boy in some fancy white jeep wrangler that his parents probably bought him, kept on driving so what do I do I get in front of it and I jump up on the brush guard and start beating on the hood he stops finally and gets out and I start picking up rocks from the driveway and chunking them at the side of his jeep and he starts saying stuff and then we start duking it out just full on throw down and he kept lightly hitting my stomach and I was pregnant in my dream, for the first time of all these dreams, but then I wake up... It's kinda funny thinking about it but since my dreams are more vivid and I remember them none of them have been anything but me whooping someone's ass whether I've got a baseball bat or my own two hands or the one with the random chick flirting with my SO I hit her with an ankle sock with change in it! CAN ANYONE OUT THERE EXPLAIN TO ME WHY I'M HAVING SUCH VIOLENT DREAMS!???