I F'ed up

I really just need to vent. Write my feelings and frustrations down anonymously and vent. I will probably annoy you and there might be some of you rolling your eyes at me saying "how could you be so irresponsible" 
My husband and I are in a ton of debt and it's all my fault. I didn't send in our auto insurance to my loan holder and then I couldn't afford it so it got cancelled. (I'm stubborn and don't like asking for help with money) my husband was in between jobs and I work a crap job that pays little.
The credit union found out we didn't gave insurance and added it to my loan making my payment amount sky rocket. We are 79 days past due in the amount of $1013 and if we don't pay by the end of the week we lose the car. That's not a lot of money to some but it is to us. 
We have to sell our boat that was given to us as a wedding present. And I am an emotional wreck right now. Fishing is the one hobby my husband and I do together and now it's going to be gone. All because of me. I'm heart broken. 
My mom wants to give us money to help pay the amount we owe and I feel guilty. I hate asking for money. It makes me feel bad about myself. I've always been super independent and have always usually paid my bills on time. We hit a bump in the road financially and now we are screwed. 
We couldn't get approved to lease a new car because our credit is fucked. Because of me. 
How did it get this bad. We are a young couple, married almost a year with a baby on the way.  I'm beyond stressed. I keep telling my husband that I'm sorry I'm sorry and he keeps saying it's ok, but it isn't ok. We don't have any money and if we get the car taken away I won't have a job, making matters even worse. I feel like a complete failure. 
I could really use some prayers 😔
If you read all of this, thank you. I just need someone to listen.