100 days to change

     Life changes a lot during this time. And it takes a strong person to face the challenges that come with becoming a parent. I relate these things because they're things that I've heard since I've been pregnant. 'Don't use a pacifier,' 'Well, they need a social system,' 'You won't ever have time for yourself again,' 'How could you be complaining about being pregnant when so many people struggle?' Many of these choices are no one else's business. My heart bleeds for those women that can't conceive. Contrary to popular belief, women who struggle with infertility sometimes complain when they get pregnant. It took my mom three years to conceive me. She was told a year before that she and my dad would never conceive. She didn't regret me, but she has been honest about how much pregnancy sucked for her. It doesn't reflect a lack of appreciation. It demonstrates a difficult experience in one's life. 
       I have the right to hate pregnancy. It's not a lack of love for my baby. I can't wait to meet her. I love feeling her inside me. But I've been sick for almost 26 weeks straight. I thought morning sickness subsided about two weeks ago, and then I threw up violently in a store parking-lot yesterday. Migraines have come at an all time high during this pregnancy, and there's little I can do to relieve them. It has nothing to do with apathy for those that are struggling to get pregnant, but pregnancy has not been a great experience for me. 
      And as far as some of these other pieces of advice... It's no one else's business if I decide to use a pacifier. I know she needs a social system, but there are many resources to provide a healthy social system to her. I have the right to take time for myself. It may never the same as it is now, but that doesn't make it somehow better or worse than the current. There are days that are going to be like hell, because that's life. 
   As of today, I have 100 days or less before my life changes in a very drastic way. I'm celebrating the fact that my little girl will be here. She's going to be one of the greatest wonders of my life. Maybe the greatest. Sure, I'm glad our adventures will be in two bodies as opposed to just the one of my own, but adventures we will have. And as far as the haters and judgey people? Well, they'll always exist. All I can do is prep myself, and once she's here, prep her as well. For bow, I'm getting things ready, and taking it one day at a time. Soon, though, there will be a little girl that I can hold in my arms for a while, but forever in my heart. Happy 100 days ladies!