Dr appt questions? Sorry short rant.

Lexie • 19 ♌SAHM mommy to Robert isaiah

Ok so I'm 35 weeks and 4 days and I went for my 2 week check up . My Dr told me she will see me in about 2 weeks . I thought once you hit 36 weeks it's every week ??? So that means I won't go to the Dr till I'm 37 almost 38 weeks pregnant. I'm just so confused. And then to top all that off I think they got my due date wrong it should be may 5th! Then that means I'd be going in a week before the 5th???! Idk maybe I'm just stressing about nothing . But that kinda just pissed me off . I don't wanna go into labor at 37 weeks and not have been going to get checked every week .

(-Please tell me what your Dr has been having you do, because she makes me want to switch clinics!!!)