My buddy showed up early

Stacy B👶🏼 • Pregnant with my second - due early May 2016
He was due May 7th, I had a repeat c-sec scheduled for May 3rd. I started feeling strong and painful Braxton hicks and they were right on top of each other so I went to L&D and got checked out and was sent home with instructions to rest and hydrate. Right as I left the hospital the contractions got stronger and went from 30-40seconds every 8-9 mins to 40+seconds every 5 minutes and my pain level was at an 8. My cervix was only at a 1.5-2 and I was 50-60% effaced (the first time at L&D I was 1cm and 25% effaced). So I went back in to L&D and my doctor asked if I was ready to have the baby and at that point I was. 
So, Connor Matthew was born via C-section at 10:08am on 4/12/16. He was 36+3, 7lb 13oz, 19in long. He did have to be rushed to the NICU and spent an hour or two on a cpap machine. 3 hours after he was born I finally got to see him/meet him and he's been doing pretty well ever since.