Advice needed

Malaika • Saim ❤️
So I spoke to my doctor today and she advised me that if I'm already 37 weeks and every week (since two months) I have to have ctg, because I can't feel properly my baby's movements, then it would be better if instead of having this weekly checkups to have an... induction.
She said also that induction is not really dangerous for the baby but it can be difficult for me because labour can start even after three days after induction and that this time I would have to spend in the hospital. 
I don't have any problems in this pregnancy, I'm just GBS plus but it's not a reason to being inducted. 
In my opinion I should wait, at least till 39 weeks... Should I decide to be inducted now or later? Should I wait and not agree for induction? 
I just have anterior placenta, I wasn't thinking it could be a reason for induction...