I want him to get sexually physical with me again

Ever since I got pregnant our sexual rhythm has been off. During the first trimester I had absolutely no sex drive. I was nausciuse all the time and exhausted. We would still have sex, just not that often and when we did, he felt uncomfortable bc he didn't want to feel like he was pressuring me into it even thou I told him he wasn't. In my second trimester I started to feel better with the nausiea and exhaustion. We started having sex more often, but then my body started changing pretty quick and made me super self conscious about my appearance and proformance. We got stuck in a routine of the same position, foreplay got quicker and it was harder for me to even get off. Then we had to take a 6 week break from sex completely due to health issues, as I transitioned into my third trimester. We are in the clear for sexual activity now. I'm nearly 30 weeks and my hormones are revved up like crazy and I'm horney all the time! The problem now is he's not interested in it anymore! I try to get him going in bed, but he turns me down saying he's to tired. I've given him a blow job in the shower twice now hoping that would get him started, but he still turns me down when I try to play with him in bed! I tried talking to him about it, but he says he's lost his sex drive, doesn't enjoy foreplay that much anymore, and he's just to tired. It's driving me crazy!! How can I get his sex drive back up?? I feel like time is pressured, we have 10 or less weeks left until I have this baby and I know it's going to be hard getting sex time in after baby is born. Has anyone else been in this situation? Any advice? Please help!!