Heavy bleeding 12+3 please read and comment

Yesterday I came home after my daughters baseball game and I saw some spotting when I went to the bathroom, so I decided to just go lay down since I had been up and about all day due to report card pick up and her baseball practice. I fell asleep for an hour and woke up went to the bathroom again and nothing, then again I went back to bed ate some cereal and then I needed to pee I didn't feel like getting up but when I was about to I felt like I had just pee'd myself and when I checked it was a gush of blood and it kept on going I was trying to remain calm but couldn't when I finally got up to go to the bathroom I felt like something came out I for sure thought I miscarried and the baby was in the toilet. We went to the ER they did blood test, urine and an ultrasound which showed the baby was doing fine it was moving and the heartbeat was 154 I'm so emotionally drained this has happened before at 9 and 10 weeks and I haven't gotten an explaination as to why I'm bleeding has this happened to anyone? Did you make it to full term?