How Did You And Your Partner Agree On A Name???

Me and my fiancé can't come to a common agreement on a girl name. We initially agreed if it's a girl I'll have the final say so and if it's a boy he will have the final say so. We are having a girl and she is already going to have his mothers middle name and his last name. I think it's only fair that I pick the first name. He has already been telling people a name that I'm just not sold on. He got upset because I said the name will have to grow on me but it's causing so much stress on me I'm starting to hate the name altogether. Since she will be a girl considering the agreement and the fact that I carried her for 9 months (10 if you want to be technical) I should pick the name. We still have 4.5 months to go but I know that will come fast. So how did you and your partner come to a final decision on the name?