When to take a test?

20 years old but in a 3 year committed relationship... Didn't realize it but had sex on the last day of my fertile window according to the app. I know it's not 100% either so it could have been in the middle or not even... But my period is so far 4 days late. I've been super nervous and stressed out. I Don't take any birth control and don't use condoms, we avoid my fertile window, but we don't have sex that often to begin with.. Past few weeks I've felt EXHAUSTED, like having to take 2 hour naps every day. I can't remember when it started. I also work with children and ride the bus to school with them and i get super nauseous in the morning because of that, but I haven't vomited yet so I'm not sure if I actually have morning sickness or not, but it might be too early for that? I've also been getting headaches. About a week and a half ago I noticed the tiniest amount of light light light pink discharge, that couldn't have been from implantation could it? I'm honestly not ready for a baby but there's no way I would abort or give up for adoption. I still have a year left of college and live with my parents too. My head is just spinning wondering how to pay for everything and tell me family and what they will think and how I'll be able to work... When should I take a test? What do I do? I don't have any close girlfriends either that I can talk to, so I feel super alone and scared! ):