Venting/crying/need a outlet of others who understand.

So I just need to vent to people who are around the same time of due date as me.
I'm due December 1st. My husband, my oldest, and I where walking around the mall. My husband pointed out to me my "best friend". She got married almost a year ago, and hasn't been hanging out with any of us or talking to any of us since then. So we said hi caught up a little bit and then I told her I was pregnant. I still wanted to be good friends and I wanted to give her respect in knowing in person instead of hearing it on Facebook. She said "Oh. Congrats! Boy or girl?" I looked at her confused and said "What?" And she then said "Well you look like your 20 weeks. How far along are you?"
At the time I was only 6 weeks. That's what I told her. "Okay." She said and then we said our goodbyes and walked away!
WHAT THE HECK!!!! You don't guess how far along someone is, especially if you don't know the due date!!! And I'm not that big of a person! I'm not skinny but I am not that big!!! And even if I am it's my second! My stomach muscles are already worn out from the first one!
That's not what you say to someone! 
Thanks for letting me vent! Now I feel better! 😌