Twins! But complications.

Katie • Baby boy- April 2017
I'm 7w3d and went for my first US today.... We received amazing news, but maybe  bad news. It's twins! Shortly after leaving- my doctor just called once she received the images (she was in hospital delivering today) and said its a very high risk pregnancy. They share the same sack. I'm measuring early. She said its called mono-mono twins. She said its high risk for losing one and high risk for losing both. If that doesn't happen- there's a high risk of cord entanglement so I will more than likely be in bed rest starting at 24/26weeks and deliver at 32 weeks. 
 We are both scared and excited and a mess of emotions. 
I wasn't going to post, but so many women have been so supportive I felt like it might be helpful to share our news! ❤️ here's the two little beans so far! Both had blinking heartbeats so that's a great start! 
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Posted at
Keep us updated but take it easy. You know now some important information and have time to educate yourself on the topic. Do what feels best for you and get another opinion if you feel the need. Best of luck!! Congrats 


Katie • Apr 20, 2016
Thank you! I will ;)


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At least you know that they are going to be identical twins... My mom's friend had monomono twins and they just turned 18...


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Congratulations and praying for the safe delivery of both twins!


Katie • Apr 20, 2016


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Wow! Congrats on two little ones!! Take it easy and keep us updated!!


Katie • Apr 20, 2016


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I'll keep you in my prayers I know you can do it!😇


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I think you'll be ok hun! Just keep praying, God has given you a beautiful miracle there! I know it's easier said than done. I'm sure if I ever was preg with twins I'd be scared to death!! But, plenty of women have twins, mainly 32weekers n some have to stay in nicu a lil while but end up being just fine!!GOODLUCK N PRAYERS SWEETIE!!


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They are just so adorable! You know I'm rooting for those sweet little babies! 💜


Katie • Apr 20, 2016
Eek! Thanks!!!!


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💕🙏🏼 prayers and love for a happy and heathy pregnancy! 


Katie • Apr 20, 2016
Thank you!


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That's actually incredible! Good luck!


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Praying for you sweet girl!! Those baby beans will be beautiful!!