Any POSITIVES after baby measuring small?


Last week we went in for our first ultrasound. I should have been around 7 weeks 4 days. Baby measured 5 weeks 6 days and the heart rate was 90.

The tech said the heart rate was in the right range for the size the baby was measuring but I know when I had my period and we only had sex right around the 14th day after my period. We go back in 2 days for our 2nd ultrasound to see if the baby is growing and if the heart rate has went up.

I haven't had any pain other than light period type of cramps like once a day and no bleeding. We had a m/c 6 years ago and this is the first pregnancy since so we're trying to stay positive but are terrified.

POSITIVE outcomes are what I'm looking for to give us hope. 💗💙