Is it wrong for me not to invite him?

So I have a step dad , a dad and a biological father , 
my "dad" - the guy who raised me and my moms ex husband has kinda dropped off the planet with me since I became pregnant , I was uninvited from Christmas dinner ect , so I didn't even think to invite him to my baby shower . 
My biological father hasn't been involved in my life at all until I became pregnant - so he got an invite to my baby shower I figured he wasn't around for me maybe I can give him a chance to be with my son . 
And then my step dad - lives with me so obviously he will be at the baby shower he stepped up when everyone else stepped down and is more than happy to be an active member in my life  .... 
Anyways today my "dad" the one who raised me started talking to me out of the blue - I'm pretty sure he heard about the baby shower . I feel super bad not inviting him but there's already feel so many clashing members attending the shower I don't  know if I want to deal with more , or the fact that I was uninvited to other things . I just don't want drama at the shower so idunno , is it wrong for me not to invite him in your opinion ?