New Guy On The Block

So, 4 weeks ago I met a guy at a party and ever since have been talking every day. About 1 week into us talking we began sexting one another (don't judge please) and we have continued to do so since. He swears he's not using me and I do believe him and he said he wants to meet again the same as I do. However, recently things have changed. Instead of messaging me as soon as he gets out of work or whenever he is on a break or lunch he waits till about 10pm at night and even then we may not speak long if he's feeling tired. I have continued to ask when he wants to meet but there always seems to be an excuse "I have work" or "I'm out with friends" but he says he works all the time but he finds the time to go out with all of his mates. I know we're not together or anything but why say you're interested and then not bother trying? How can things change so fast?
Help girls, I'm feeling pretty down 😔