Getting kids in the habit of saving?

I'm not a mother nor will I be for a few years but this topic comes up between my fiance and I quite often. We want to raise our kids to realize things don't just get handed to them and they have to work for it. My cousin has a son who she had start saving change in a jar and recently they went to the bank and he managed to save up over a hundred dollars and he's six! But his way of saving was asking people for their change and my fiance and I agree that we don't want our kids asking people for change. I was thinking about making a chart with a goal and making our child do 'chores' (for each toy you put away you get 25 cents or help mommy with gardening and get 75 cents) and having the goal be a toy they really want or something. But at what age could you really make a child understand the value of saving money? Any suggestions or tricks that worked for you?