38 weeks, extreme stress

I'm 38 weeks today, my due date is May 6. Last night something extremely traumatic and upsetting happened, i won't go into details. I was having contractions for a few hours and i honestly thought i put myself into labor with how upset i got, but after a while the contractions stopped. I have been having a series of extreme stress the past few days, last night being the worse, and haven't been eating pretty much at all. I know how bad that sounds, and i am so hungry all the time, but thinking about eating is just making me want to throw up. I can't bring myself to eat. I can count on one hand the amount of things i've eaten in the past 4 days.
I was weighed monday and again on wednesday which had showed a 3 pound weight loss already. I haven't eaten much since then. I am so worried about my little girl. But i just cannot bring myself to eat. Is this something i should call my doctor about? I have my mom going out today to pick me up some of those meal replacement shakes so at least i'll be getting calories, but I'm still worried about my baby. Any advice or opinions would be great.