Moms I need your advice. Bassinet VS pack and play.

My MIL gave us a Graco pack and play as a gift. I figured to save money and storage space, we can just buy a mattress and use the pack and play for the baby to sleep in. Just for the first few weeks. We already have a crib but it's obviously more convenient to put the pack and play next to my bed. My husband said all his friends babies slept in bassinets at first so now he is insisting we need one. Is a bassinet really a necessity at this point? Wouldn't they both serve the same purpose? 
This is the one we have which already includes a bassinet. 
UPDATE: Thank you ladies for your input. I appreciate it! After further research, I have come to the conclusion that I will just purchase a thicker matteress for the bassinet  
that is already included in the pack and play. Jeez, now a days we just have too many options when it comes to baby products lol.