Experience with congenital issues

Other moms experience any of these issues with your child?
I won't be 18 until June and my baby boy is due September 3rd. I just learned 2 days ago that the radiologist saw that one of my son's feet might be clubbed. Waiting on a specialist to call to schedule a 2nd level ultrasound to get a more detailed look to confirm if he really does or if it was the position, and if he does to see if it's linked to anything else. I'm praying there is nothing wrong and that he is perfectly healthy, like I'm really praying. I'm almost done with school and plan on starting college second semester next January and I know even just this small thing might hold me back as it'll be complicated for him and I both. I worry so much and I don't know what else to do but pray. I know there's much worse things that could be wrong, so how are you other moms dealing?