Missed my period, got a negative test!

So my last period was March 5th and my husband and I had unprotected sex a week before that, we weren't trying but we're not avoiding pregnancy. We got married March 12th and shortly thereafter bought a new home. It's been stressful, and I also did a lot of physical labor preparing for our new home. I was late on my period, I expected it about April 10th since I am usually roughly 35-37 days! So when it didn't come I totally thought I was pregnant! I took a test and it was negative. Then I made a docs appt a few weeks later, took urine test and it came back negative too. Doc said its prob a fluke with all the stress of the wedding and move. I really truly thought I was Prego but I'm not. So now at least my period came and I can calm down. Now I'm gonna really start tracking all my stuff and start trying! So exciting!!