Worried again

This week just isn't my week. I had BH Contractions & cramping for 3.5 days, chest pains & hip tenderness for the last 2 days, now I'm also having more cramping & nausea. Now to top that off yesterday I could only get the baby to move twice both times in the tub. So far today he's only kicked twice!!!! I've been up since 4 am and have been tracking him since 4:40. I ate breakfast and I smack on ice constantly, I also went to work & taught my regular bootcamp & he only moved/kicked 2 times!! If he doesn't pick up the pace I'll be going to the ER. 
my other 2 children never did this. 
I went in to be checked out yesterday after my dr finally called me back. They weren't believing me that I was feeling contractions at 28 weeks but the dr sent me in for no fetal movement. I was monitored for 3 hrs. Baby looks perfect however I was and still am having contractions. No dilation so they sent me home. I went in to the office & was checked again today to ensure I wasn't dilated and still cervix looks good. The dr is concerned about a possible bladder infection that could be causing my contractions but test won't be back until Monday.  We are keeping a very close eye on my contractions & baby kicks. Any sudden changes and back to the hospital we go. Gotta get this baby boy to keep cooking for at least 6-8 more weeks for him to be nice and healthy. 
Thank you ladies for all your concern & support. 😍😍😘