Pre term labor worries

Danielle • Wife to Anthony. Mommy to Arielle. ❤️
I'm 31 weeks today exactly and I have a thinning cervix (.5 cm) I went in for a normal ultrasound yesterday which turned into me going to the hospital and getting admitted for my contractions being too close together. (I didn't even feel the contractions until they hooked me up to the monitor lol)
They gave me a steroid shot as well as rounds of magnesium just in case the baby does come early. They were going to keep me over night again but they ended up discharging me because my contractions stopped altogether. 
Now I'm at home and I'm not sure if my contractions are serious enough for me to go back. They were happening every few minutes but  I've drank about 50oz of water in the past hour and they've seemed to calm down. 
I'm a FTM and I'm just nervous and have never been through this before. I will call my doctor if it gets worse and I can't keep it under control but does anyone have any natural SAFE tips to prevent pre term labor?