Okay, so I'm 29 weeks pregnant. I am now 130 pounds and 5'9. Pre-pregnancy weight was 120. I'm skinny. There is nothing to be really other than this baby. That being said, I'm. In. Pain. 
Now, I love being pregnant. I'm not wishing the days away or anything and I choose to enjoy every little thing. HOWEVER, that does not mean that I'm not tired. 
I took my glucose test today and they said I passed. (Yay!) However, I have hypoglycemia and anemia. Before pregnancy I was super anemic. It's gotten better but recently it's been low. They noticed that in my test which explains why I've been SOOOOO tired these past few days So, the past few days I've literally been OUT. I'm getting up about twice an hour to pee every night and each trip is 5-10 minutes long because it won't. Stop. Coming. Out! I have to wear diapers because I leak all up in my underwear. Lol. 
I work from home with an in home day care. I watch up to 5 kids but recently I've only had 1. But it's from 8:30am-Noon. Also! I have to wake my husband up in the morning at 5:30. I say that because he sets his alarm. Doesn't hear it, it wakes me up, and I have to get him out the door. So after FINALLY falling asleep at, oh...idk...2am. I have to get up again at 5:30. Then again at 8. Then by the time my kid goes home at 12, I'm exhausted and I take a nap. My nap is long. Sometimes up to 5 hours (if I'm not feeling well...which I had hyperemesis the first 16 weeks and I'm afraid it's coming back. :( )
Oka, like I said in the beginning I have nothing to me. I'm still pretty skinny. Forward facing I don't look pregnant at all. You can only tell if I'm facing sideways. My. Back. Is. Killing. Me. And baby is all up in my ribs. He moved my to cage today which was extremely painful. He kicks me constantly which makes me sore, which obviously kind of wears me out because every time I move, I am in more pain. Again, I LOVE being pregnant. But my husband doesn't understand all the time why I so tired since I don't do anything. Our house isn't messy or dirty. Just cluttered. I've done a load of dishes this week and laundry. But folding hurts my back so bad, and the dishes is hard to keep leaning down to load and unload. So I asked him to do a load of dishes and he said ok. 
He didn't. 
I asked again if he could PLEASE. Not all of them, just some of them. He said yes, but he didn't. 
I reminded him again just today and he said "WHY can't you do it?! If you're so tired than why does me having to do one load matter? If you'll just do the next one. I work all day and you are home all the time!" I told him it matters because he said he would do it, and it would help me. 
Growing a baby is tiring. Literally. I love it though, I just wish he would understand that I'm SO unbelievably tired and having low iron and low blood sugar ALREADY makes you tired. But having all your nutrients sucked out of you makes it a bit more tiring. Lol. 
I just cleaned the bathroom tonight. Did a load of laundry and cooked dinner. My hips are killing me and baby is ALUPINMYRIBS. I just wish there was a way for him to understand my struggle and see that I'm not being lazy. If I were lay, I wouldn't get up at all. I wouldn't make sure he's fed. I'm just sometimes so stressed out and overwhelmed with planning for this baby, getting enough kids in the daycare to help with finances and trying to figure out HOW to get a good nights sleep. 
He says he wants me to stay home but he complains that we don't have enough money, but he doesn't want me to work. I am starting to get depressed from being home all the time. My life is watching kids, then when they leave I'm supposed to clean, all while having horrible nerve pain up and down my legs/back and butt. 
I'm so stressed out. And that stress makes me more tired! 
I'm not complaining about being pregnant. I'm not even trying to complain really. I know a man never really will understand what happens during pregnancy. It wasn't until I asked him "how many times have you been kicked in the ribs this week? How many times have you been up all night peeing non stop? How many times did you have to wake up your husband at 5:30 in the morning because he can't hear his alarm? How many times have you not been able to walk all the sudden because of excruciating nerve pain shooting from your back to your ankle?" 
And he realized his answer was "none" did he say that he would do the dishes. Lol. He's doing them now. 
I don't want him to think I'm lazy or trying to use pregnancy as an excuse. It's just literally baby moves 24/7 and leaves me sore. And leaning down to load the dishes or down to load the laundry REALLY hurts my back. And I already had nerve problems. 
We have a wonderful relationship and I love him so much and I know that relying on him financially means that I should put in some work around the house and being a SAHM would make this my job anyway. But I wish he knew how much pain I'm in.  
Vent over lolÂ