Lilliana Rose

Laura • Eloped in Vegas 6/27/15! Now to complete our family❤️
Made her appearance into the world April 24, 2016 at 9:48 pm by cesarean section. I labored at home with intense contractions from Saturday at 4 pm until Sunday at 330. Got admitted at 6cm and 100% effaced. Got my epidural and waited patiently. Doctor came in to check me and said she wanted to break my water but baby's head wasn't done far enough so we started pitocin to get her moving. After an hour she still had not progressed down but I was at a 7/8 cm around 830 pm. The doctor realized in her last ultrasound she was in the 97% for weight so figured she was stuck and was not coming on her own. I was told csection was going to be my safest option and we saddled up for surgery it was intense and emotional roller coaster but me and my little girl are happy, healthy and safe. All the pain and horrible things the last ten months vanished when I saw my sweet baby girl and heard her cry. 
8pounds 2 oz 
20.5 inches long
14.5 cm head 
13.5 cm chest