After losing our first baby boy 3 years ago at 24 weeks, we finally gave birth to our rainbow baby

💞Vangie • Expecting another baby due May 2017..Rainbow Baby Born April 2016 ♡ We love our Angel Baby 10.24.13 Rip

After losing our first baby boy 3 years ago at 24 weeks, we finally gave birth to our rainbow baby!

I was diagnosed with an incompetent cervix & had a cerclage put in at 18 weeks. Also had to have 12 17p steroid shots. Starting at week 25 & last one at 37 weeks. Well i had my rainbow at 37 weeks & 4 days! He was born 4.28.16 at 5:28pm his due date was May 15th. No words can explain how becoming a mother makes me feel. Never thought i would have my own baby. He is just the spitting image of me lol! And thanks to Geritol i got pregnant after a month of taking it!

Feel so blessed! God is good! Welcome my baby boy

Ryden Rene Gonzalez 💙

5lbs 4oz 18.5 inches long

37 Weeks & 4 Days