Im so depressed:'(

Ever since i moved out my parents home with my partner my friends just stopped bothering with me. At first i thought my partner was the problem but no he wasnt because they were fine when we first met? So then i thought it was because i worked too much? Great! I quit one of my jobs and have more time on my hands. But things still seem to be the same. 6 months later i still find my self to be abandoned by these so called friends? Spending weekends and evenings alone while my partner works away not one person rings me or asks how I am. It drives me crazy sitting clock watching waiting for my partner to come home. People say to me "get a hobby" I got hobbies I started going swimming but theres only so much swimmimg you can do til you get tired and you still end up up going home to an empty house and message free phone. My partner does everytging he can to ensure my mood is positive but can only do so much as he cant have his phone on at work. I just feel so alone and depressed. I have no balance in my life anymore nothing to look forward too. I sit and i see everyone going out all the time it sadens me because i work loads and never do anything outside of work. I feel so depressed i have no life its at a point now where i cry at work and cry at home. I cry everyday until my partner comes in from work. At the moment we are just like passing ships. It gets to points where i dont see him 3/4 days at a time which is upseting. We both work for NMW and have to work hours to get us by in our house. It just upsets me that friends who have met through me are now going out making plans with each other acting like best friends and not even inviting me out or when they do they do it last min so i dont get the chance to get it off work. When i ask them to do stuff they say theyre busy and skint and then few days later they are out?! When i confront them its always excuses like "someone else paid for me" i feel so run down all i do on my days off now is eat and lie in bed im depressed i feel so alone and upset all the time and no one cares :( i wish i could make new friends but its so hard as all i do is work and have no life outside of work. I dont know what to do im in such a vicous circle :'(

Can i also add iv tried loads and ask people to come over but no one is ever intrested :(