Must Read all Expecting Mothers.

Jordan • 💗👣 Currently pregnant with my baby girl 🎀👶Can't wait to meet my sunshine😍💗👣
To all the mothers that are carrying their precious little ones. I hope praying has/or ever was a routine for you. Because with Gods Grace and mercy we all were able to conceive these little angels and his blessings for carrying us this far. And with God he will take us even further with our little ones and to the ending of this pregnancy to meet our blessings. So thank him as each day goes pass and your alive and our LOS are kicking us constantly. I leave this prayer for you mother's to say. Just take a special time out and say this beautiful prayer for ourselves and our babies. God bless you all. And congrats to each and everyone of you.🌼💋💞👶🍼🙏💋😊👶💞💞