Baby daddy

Okay my husband I love him so much I truly do. But I'm getting super annoyed with him lately. He won't help with baby unless I beg him. He refuses to change any diaper on our baby girl because he says it's awkward. He won't hold her because he flips out when she cries or moves just a little bit. Idk what to do I understand he works everyday. He drives a dump truck for a living so I do but I don't understand why he comes home and says he's so tired. He doesn't help clean the house and sometimes it's a mess because it's hard for me to clean with a baby that loves to sleep on me and wakes up when I put her down and he complains the house is a mess. I'm 18 and just recently moved out of my parents house only 3 weeks ago into a whole different state 14 hrs away from my parents. so he gets mad that I don't want to be at his parents house every single day. I don't know what to do anymore!