For the young girls who are TTC

Queen • Rest easy my angel 👼 mommy loves you❤️ Oh, I got a smart ass mouth, and attitude if you rub me the wrong way😘🖕🏼
Y'all steady putting somebody down! I had a miscarriage at 15, got pregnant at 14 May 8th 2014-June 22nd 2014. I was 6 weeks and 3 days. I was raped. I'm CURRENTLY 16 graduated from high school, good job with money saved up, a boyfriend who has a very good job and has a house, car etc. I'm TTC since the beginning of 2016. EITHER SUPPORT MY DECISION OR DO NOT COMMENT! Since a FEW people think they know me better than I know myself. I hope the people who where rude and disrespectful to me see this.🤗🖕🏼 don't let people bring you down girls, it's your life you can take their opinions to tell them to shove it 😘