I should not feel bad that MY pregnancy was planned.

It's very frustrating seeing so many women on here defending women that smoke cigarettes during pregnancy, weed, wine, etc etc ec.

And it's even more frustrating when these same women, have the audacity to judge people like me, that decided to plan their pregnancy.

It's not ONLY teens that need to be applauded for how "brave" they are for having a child at 16 and being a single parent on top of that. Those are not the only women that need to be applauded and praised. The real applause should go to all the responsible women out there. The ones that went to school, finished, got a career. Found a real man. Bought a home. Got married. And THEN got pregnant, via ttc, not by mistake.

The ones that quit smoking 2 years in advance of ttc. Eat right, took prenatal vitamins 6 months before ttc. The ones that give up 100% off all bad habits, in order to have a child. The ones that work their asses off everyday.

But instead, the 16 year olds pregnant and dumped, look at the responsible ones and have the audacity to say that it's THEM that have done better.

You think I'm being judgmental? So be it. I think I'm speaking the truth.

It's 100% pathetic that we encourage and we applaud teens having kids, smoking the whole pregnancy, drinking, partying. Meanwhile, the responsible ones are being told they are "snobby" or "full of themselves"

No, not snobby and not full of ourself. Just financially stable, with a career, a great man and mature enough to fully comprehend what having a child really means.