Weight loss & loose skin

Robin • South Carolina. Photographer 💛
So often I let myself become discouraged.  Because let's be honest, weight loss isn't always the fairy tale it's cracked up to be, and this sure as shit isn't the body I signed up for.  Losing the weight was easy, it's the mental part that is the hardest.  I've constantly felt like my body betrayed me, it doesn't look like it was supposed to after I lost 120lbs.  It's taken a lot of time to come to terms with how my body looks now.  I've slowly learned that I'm so much more than how I look.  The insecurities that come with excess skin have been hard to deal with, and I've let them hinder me from so much in the past.  I'm now trying my best to fully embrace it, and see it as a positive.  After all I wouldn't  have these flaws had I not taken charge of my life and made the transformation needed to possible save my life