The stress of it 😕

So we have been TTC since feb 16 no luck yet but that's ok not giving up. 
We are stress heads which sucks we stress over the smallest of things. Here I go advice would be great rather than criticism thanks: one week ago we found out my fiancée would be taking a $20k pay cut and be working under people less qualified than him, I too then would be working under him and on a low wage. This new job is starting in 3 weeks time and we have just found out we also have to move house after we spent 2 years making our one a home. 
The main problem is we are employed by a good friends, it feels like they have kicked us in the guts and chucked us too the side like we are unwanted now. We haven't heard from neither of them in the last 3 weeks when it's usually dinner invites coffee dates and general chats but now nothing at all. We are stressed, upset and hurt. Unsure what to do next 😢