Hospital Bag Necessities

Alright ladies- FTM. overwhelmed with packing my bag/s.  any necessities?  I'd like to pack light if I can (:
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Baggy pants/ shirts (nursing tanks)Undies that can be thrown away (when you dress to go home)Chap stickSnacksPersonal hygiene stuffSlippersRobeBoppy Crocs or easy sleep on shoes when you go homePhone charger 


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I've had 4 babies and I find the hospital gives you most everything you need! But my advice is definitely some loose fitting but cute clothes for yourself so you feel good but prob still maternity clothes (I've been over zealous before and thought I would fit into some loose pre pregnancy clothes. Not a good plan. I ended up feeling like a stuffed sausage. LOL), nursing tanks (if you plan on bf), cute socks/slippers to not feel so blah in hospital stuff, swaddle blankets (although I think it's best to just use the hospitals until you're going home so you don't end up taking home dirty laundry. Who wants extra laundry with a new baby?), your own toiletries, chapstick, lotion, stuff for your SO if they're staying with you, and of course cute bringing home baby outfit for your new LO 😁


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Flip flops for the shower if you are a germaphob like me


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I am thats for sure. I brought a really nice diaper bag with my baby name engraved on it and when it got to me im thinking rationally now its to nice to carry for every day so im going to go buy another one for everyday 😕 then put his things inside. Im excited but im drained.