Need some advice

Hi. After almost 2weeks of bleeding and seeing the baby's heart beat every day anyway I got the worst news yesterday. My baby's heart stopped beating. I was 8w4d. I am scheduled for d/c tomorrow. Can any of you who have gone through this please tell me how long it took them to stop bleeding afterwards? How does the procedure even look like? I am also so desperate of being intimate with my partner but we've put that on hold since i began bleeding. How long after the procedure should we still wait? I am still bleeding now and am thinking of maybe doing it today anyway before the d/c but don't know if it's safe... Maybe it sounds weird but I feel like I need this now so much. I have been in a hospital for a week and just lying next to him today was a huge help... Please don't judge saying I can wait or whatever, it's just that I feel I need to be close to him now... If it's too dangerous I will not do it but I cannot seem to get any info on that...
Thank you all so much for your help, I am so sorry for all our losses and I hope we will meet on this app as happy mothers to be really soon!