Ugh 😔

Really needing to vent. I just got fired. I've worked with this place 2 and a half months, and have called in sick one time. I've picked up extra shifts when people call in, and have really tried to do my best at everything. Last night, I fucked up. I forgot to switch out the pepperonis, and they expired last night when the kitchen was closed. This morning, as soon as I walked in, my coworker said as loudly as she could in front of every customer in there, "Just so you know as soon as Jeannie comes in, I'm asking her to fire you. You didn't do the pepperoni. Your incompetence is too much." Then, I heard her talking to another coworker, referring to me as "that cunt." I seriously don't understand. I know I made a mistake, but I apologized, and it was one time. Not to mention they threw me into working the kitchen after 1 day of training when you normally train for a week. My boss came in and I was fired on the spot in front of multiple customers, while my coworker is standing there smiling. I'm humiliated. I'm really freaking out. How am I supposed to find another job at almost 6 months pregnant?