Baby shower planning.


When did you all have your baby shower? I'm currently 24 weeks, 2 days and I'm due August 28th. I was going to have it sometime in June, but my boyfriend wants me to wait. Long story short, he has a court date in the middle of June, and he wants to do it after that. He thinks they're going to send him to jail (a ridiculous concern, I assure you. He's done nothing wrong. They just want money from him). So to ensure that he participates, I thought about doing July. But my mom, who is helping plan the baby shower, is getting married in the middle of July, and doesn't want to plan anything then. I already feel like July is a bit too late and August is definitely too late. Not to mention, my boyfriend thinks it would be easiest to have a big baby shower/cookout for both sides of my family, but my parents dont get along. My dad refuses to speak to my mom, and i dont necessarily blame him. It's just making this whole thing way more complicated than it needs to be, and makes me not want to have a baby shower.

This was long so thanks for reading. Any opinions? How early/late did you do your baby shower?