After birth items

What are some "luxury" items you where happy to have or wish you had after birth i got a sephora gift card for mothers day and im trying to get somthing that will make me feel less gross after birth 
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The shower I took after delivery felt like I was at a spa! I don't really think anything in particular would have made me feel any better because it felt so great!!


katey • May 10, 2016
thankfully I didn't need any pain meds and was able to take what seemed like the world's longest shower!


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I agree with both so far! My shower was heaven sent! Lotion and lip balm are a must and I brought facial cleansing wipes so I didn't have to stand for too long doing my whole regimen. Scrub rinse with a wash cloth and I put on the moisturizer after I would crawl into bed. I didn't like standing because after labor my back hurt due to the epidural and (this might be tmi) I always felt like I was bleeding so much the maxi pads wouldn't hold it. I felt better when I was lying down. If you tend to get cold easier bring a robe or house coat. For me, all the hormones running crazy through my body was the only insulation I needed!


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Hospitals are so dry. Lotion and lop balm are amazing!


katey • May 10, 2016
yes! lip balm! all of the breathing through contractions became my lips so dry!!