Stretch marks

I'm wondering if getting stretch marks can even be prevented . I know a lot of women like to use lotions to help but I'm thinking it might be a waste to buy any expensive lotions . For example my friend slathers on lotion while pregnant and always gets stretch marks . I on the other hand have a strange aversion to lotions .. I don't know why but I hate the feeling of lotion on my skin. I use moisturizing body wash instead . Anyway I never get stretch marks even though I never lotion up my belly . It just seems strange . And trust me my belly gets big while pregnant . Why is this ?? I'm not complaining obviously  I'm just wondering if anyone else noticed this . 
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I swore I was going to get some, because my breasts are covered from puberty. Also, just the fact that I'm a pretty petite woman. So far I'm 38 weeks and don't have any!! I have used bio oil, and organic African Shea butter every morning and night!! I swear by them!This was my belly at 35 weeks. I'm much larger now, and still no stretch marks!!


Jessica • May 10, 2016
Also, I drink a ton of water!!! My doctor said staying hydrated isn't only important for your baby's health, and your internal Heath, but it helps your skins health as well!! It can aid in skin elasticity


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I have prevented mine so far and my entire family has them sometimes they are hereditary just break the curse lol And this cost $7 together 


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It's mostly genetic so there is really no way around it. Lotions could make them appear less but if your genetically prone to them you will get them.


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Mostly it genetic but I say better safe than sorry and slather on the bio-oil, coconut oil, and expensive creams. I also take a collagen supplement and b12. Also, if you are fit and work out your skin has more blood flow to it which improves elasticity. So lifestyle factors can come into play, as well. Better safe than sorry! 


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Stretch marks depend on your skin elasticity. Oils and lotions can help, but the biological makeup of your skin is what determines how well your skin can stretch without breaking. Drinking lots of water, eating clean, and consuming lots of collagen/gelatin can all improve skin elasticity.


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I bought the stretch mark cream for pregnant women, & it didnt seem to work i used to lather it on 2-3 times a day , it worked for the first 20weeks of pregnancy but now being 32 weeks i got them everywhere, the way i see it is if theyre meant to appear than so be it, but you can also try bio oil!