Weight gain

I am thinish frame and preprego weight I was about 120, I feel huge and I'm 125 now and I keep eating and eating. I eat until I'm full, but is this a normal weight gain? I don't want to gain too much or too little. Not sure if some of this is still bloat.
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How far along are you?When I got pregnant I weighed 112 pounds. I'm now almost 8 months and weigh 142 pounds. Weight gain is completely normal, and mostly all of it will disappear once you have the baby.


Maleah • May 10, 2016
Yeah, I didn't gain any weight until about 20 weeks or so


Catie • May 10, 2016
I was 120 as well and didn't gain any weight until about 25 weeks.


Elise • May 10, 2016
I am almost 9 weeks


Posted at
How far along are you? I'm in the same boat. I'm only 5+3 & the bloating is absolutely killing me. I'm usually 105lbs but I seem to have put 5lbs on in a week & I literally look 6 months pregnant. I don't have any appointments until next week, I'll be 6+5 & I don't know how I'm going to keep it a secret!