Breast feeding

I am so scared I won't be able to breast feed because my nipples are so small. My grandma could not either, has anyone else had this issue...
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Posted at
Dont worry about the size of your nipple it doesnt matter at all. Baby will still latch well. If not there are nipple shield that you can use to help the baby latch.


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They don't latch onto nipple itself they latch onto areola (skin around nipple) so you will be fine! Don't worry


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You can find an IBCLC and go to Le leche league meetings to help you.


Posted at
I have actually worried about this myself. I don't have small nipples, but I'm afraid they still won't be big enough. I think it's just a fear of wanting to do your best for the baby but being afraid your best isn't good enough. I'm sure everything will be okay. And you will breastfeed just fine.