First Month TTC Wasn't Succesful

Tiffany🌻 • Pregnant with our first...due June 2018 ❤️

Well we just ended our first month ttc. I didn't have my hopes up too high but it was a failure. I tested early on 5/7 to a BFN. I said I would give it to my missed period to test again but that didn't happen. My AF was due 5/11, but I got my period last night (early and it never comes early...but this is the first month off bc in 6 years).

I just ordered some ovulation strips for the next month. I wanted to try to be as natural as possible the first month and so now I want to make sure I am actually ovulating & when (had bad bad cramping around ovulation time this month so pretty sure I did!) Baby dust to all!! ✨