So....I was two months late on my cycle and all my HPT had faint lines on them but...

I went to the hospital today cause I was having sharp pain in my lower abdomen and I started to lightly bleed but it's light and I still am but it's not even a flow. In the ER they took blood from me and gave me a pee pee test  and when the doctor came to tell me that my peepee test was negative I asked if they did a blood test and she said no cause there was blood in my urine I asked could I be having a miscarriage she said no cause I started my cycle but I swear this isn't a cycle there's no flow and it's very light very pink and me and my husband left the hospital just as clueless as when we first got there...I think I had a miscarriage or something I feel like the doctors didn't care they didn't even check the sharp pains in my stomach that I'm still having its nothing like period just so confused