What would you do?

Last year while we were trying to conceive I left my job because it was making me depressed. I took about a $15,000 pay cut for a job that makes me happy where I work Monday-Friday and a max of forty hours. Downside is finances are REALLY tight now. If our car were to break down or something, we would have no money for it. We live in my dream house. I love the location, great neighborhood, close to family, perfect floor plan. But the mortgage is what's killing us. I priced it out. We would save about $750 a month by moving into a decent 2 bedroom apartment. On top of that, we spoke with a realtor and she estimated we would be able to sell for about $50,000 over our loan amount. So do I give up my dream home so we have money saved up and can do fun things and possibly buy again in 1-2 years or do we stick it out and hope I get a decent promotion? As I write this I feel like we should sell but it makes me so sad. I wanted to raise my family here 😢